Foundations of Virtue Socialism

Virtue socialism is a proposed form of governance in which the state or government takes a direct role in the cultivation of individual character traits associated with personal and societal success. This is accomplished through social programs, education, subsides, and regulations on business, all aimed at promoting the greater good via producing greater people.

Virtue socialism is distinct from fusionist libertarianism in that it supports an interventionist government that acts to curtail the many excesses and corrosive effects of capitalism, including vast disparities in wealth and life opportunities. It is also distinct from leftist socialism, which aims to merely create a minimum standard, has a myopic focus on equality and fairness, and primarily supports state-interventionism to the end of creating an equitable society. Instead, virtue socialism aims to create a society of greatness and distinction through the direct cultivation of such.

What are virtues?

Virtues are qualities born and honed through habitualized action which generally produce positive results for individuals and societies in competitive environments. Individuals typically posses different virtues at different levels, often depending on their circumstance and temperament, leading to unique general positive character. Nonetheless, the combination of these limited virtues expressed by different individuals in society generally leads to thriving for the social whole.

Some of these virtues include health, fitness, strength, courage, mastery of skill, patience, honor, a sense of social obligation and civic responsibility, empathy, intelligence, creativity, beauty, and even wit. All of these traits can be developed through opportunities to express them, i.e., you become courageous by taking courageous action. Virtue socialism proposes a system in which such opportunities to develop virtues are supported by the state as one of its principal duties.

What of the modern world?

The modern world, especially in the West, is ghey. Today’s historical circumstance prescribes the superiority of complex highly-technological societies, but this manifests in different ways socially and culturally. In the modern West, there is the tyranny of the unaccountable tranny tech censorship board and dictatorship of woke finance capital. This is a society ran by passive-aggressive weaklings who resent strength and other virtues, who merely desire power, and whose overriding goal at the moment is to stamp out those qualities in the populace which might challenge their rule.

The result is a mass of bugman consumers living in something akin to subscription capitalism, where the threat of precarity and dispossession looms if one doesn’t fall in line and accept a disempowering routine of submission. Thus, the structural and cultural characteristics of modern West, especially those promoted by the fake elite, is the antithesis of our vision.

So you’re white nationalists?

Not at all. We support a society arranged to promote the individual qualities which have made all notable societies throughout history great – not one defined and arranged according to race. Furthermore, we aim not merely to create a society that tries to revive the past, but one which blazes forward while founding itself in tried-and-true virtues applied to modern circumstances. But, since roads, math, an aversion to eating bugs, and the various beliefs of 99.99999999% of people who have ever lived are all racist according to the worldview of the left, we’re probably racist by that standard too.

What do you hope to accomplish?

In the immediate term, at least in the United States, we aim to aid in the populist new-right takeover of local politics, positions of authority, the Republican Party at large, and other institutions of influence where winnable battles can be fought and territory gained. This is akin to Gramsci’s own ‘war of position’ adopted for the purposes of the right. That is, we advocate a struggle over the citadels and factories of culture as a precursor to struggle for power on a national scale. In conjunction with this, we support the creation of activities, organizations, and parallel institutions which serve to facilitate the development of skills, virtues, and success for its members and the wider communities they’re part of, or otherwise allow us to extend our influence as a political movement.

2 thoughts on “Foundations of Virtue Socialism

  1. I like the name and idea.

    A couple clarification questions.

    (1) “Virtues are qualities born and honed through habitualized action which generally produce positive results for individuals and societies in competitive environments.” What is the “generally… positive results”? For example, is this well-being (pleasure, desire satisfaction, etc.)? Is this perfection in the sense of accomplishment? Is this existential satisfaction? Or some amalgamation of each?

    (2) Should this be thought of as a form of consequentialist virtue ethics at the political level?


    1. Contextually, people are not only collectively in competition with another in a defacto sense, but there are existential and spacial limitations. The ‘positive result’ equals success in overcoming those while still retaining a degree of humanity, freedom, and collective muster for ongoing struggle into future generations.

      Yes, it’s a sort of rule-consequentialist ethics at the level of everyday action and habits applied as a central ethical foundation to a political philosophy.

      Liked by 1 person

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